The first one to try my clothes was my child. They're turning 5 soon and as I've mentioned before, they love our looks. Besides being naturally glad they like it, I was relieved when I saw that they, who often have sharing issues regarding their toys, left me in awe when we invited their best friend over and they carefully dressed them first in every single look before trying one on themselves.

WEEROES is for my child and yours. I try to think of how my herowear not only fits them but is also fun and magical for them. It's for my child and it's for yours. Our first public events were with our friends, people that trust us and I won't be betraying that trust. WEEROES is made to high quality standards. We've seen where it's made and who makes our clothes. We chose organic fabrics that are comfortable, soft and from trusted sources. The only non-organic fabric is in the Streak look and is a polyamid, but a special high quality one from Italy that I loved. It breathes marvellously and is light and sleek because Streak children are super fast and pure energy.
We normally use OEKO-TEX certified fabrics. But most of all, I certify that our clothes are made for and worn by my child. At one of our Landing events, one of the parents of twins Dandy and Lion - not their real name - said their children loved heroes and they had once bought a quality hero disguise at a reputable store. But Dandy and Lion have atopic skin and after 5 min their children's skin had developed a rash. I didn't know the condition, but apparently they have allergic skin reactions to certain elements and thus require sensitive care with what lotions and gels they apply and the clothes they wear. They were now so happy - children and parents - that they could dress like the heroes they want to be. Proof was in the pudding, after arriving looking a bit tired from pool practice, they both chose our Defender look - they had to share the 4 and 6 year size pieces - and went off happily to play the rest of the event.

Inside is as important as the outside
But high quality fabrics aren't enough, I went overboard on using special finishes like textures, shiny, silver and holographic foil, reversible sequins and even thermodynamic fabrics (oh yes, you need to see that one...).
Because it's for kids that want to be heroes! When Captain Marvel or Superman show up, what they wear says "wow, now that's a hero suit". Confidence. Presence. Ready to be a Hero when one is needed.